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On September 5 013, the City Council of San Antonio, Texas, will vote on a proposed ordinance. If passed, it will be a dramatic step toward the exclusion of Christians from participation -- both political and economic -- in the public forum.


In essence, the proposed ordinance allows the City Council to exclude individuals from sitting on the council, being appointed to a government position by the City Council, or doing business with any entity the City Council controls (namely, the city government of San Antonio). And what will be the crime demanding such a drastic remedy? Simply having an opinion that differs from that of the members of the City Council.


No, this is not a fiction from George Orwell or a sci-fi movie about some distant American future you've found on late-night TV. This is real. And it's happening now.


Here's what the ordinance actually proposes (capitals and italics are mine): "No person shall be appointed to a position if the City Council finds that such person has, prior to such proposed appointment, engaged in discrimination or demonstrated a bias, by WORD or deed, against any person, group, or organization, on the basis of race, color, RELIGION, national origin, sex, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, GENDER IDENTITY, veteran status, age or disability."


That just about touches (or potentially criminalizes) all the bases doesn't it? And it allows the City Council to act on anything it finds displeasing from ANY point in your life up to the moment of your appointment or hiring. I'm surprised there's not a clause that allows them to disqualify a person for having a THOUGHT that "demonstrates a bias" against a politically "protected" category. Once the technology to discern the intents of the heart is available, I suppose the San Antonio City Council will be first in line to acquire it. That will allow them to better protect the city from the "enemies of humanity."


Ken Klukowski of the Family Research Council says, "If it's passed, any person who has either expressed any belief in favor of traditional marriage or in terms of Judeo-Christian morality regarding sexuality in general, verbally or in writing, could be barred from participating in public life on that city council."


Frankly, I'm flabbergasted that a group of popularly elected public officials have the temerity to even consider this thoroughly anti-American legislation. This is the kind of thing we expect from bureaucrats or lifelong civil servants, not from "representatives of the people."


Not only does it obviously take direct aim at anyone who believes and speaks out in support of the Biblical view of marriage and sexuality, but also anyone who has expressed distrust when Muslims insist that Islam is purely a religion of peace and peaceful coexistence. And its authors even had the gall to throw in "veteran status" and "disability" to make its opponents appear heartless and ungrateful.


This is precisely why Constitutional protections of our rights to hold an opinion and express that opinion with impunity are so important. The Founding Fathers realized that these rights could not and should not be entrusted to the whims of those in power at the moment.


However, all of the political and Constitutional issues aside, this proposed ordinance perfectly and alarmingly illustrates one thing: the march of "political correctness" toward the goal of silencing Christians is both relentless and imminent. This is happening now. The vote to make this insidious and devious device of persecution the law in San Antonio is scheduled to take place next month!


Folks, this is prophecy unfolding today, not sometime in the hazy future.


I think it won't be too long before Christians will begin having to answer to the government for the things we believe. Maybe next month in San Antonio! Jesus Himself said that there will come a time when we will be hated and even persecuted for His name's sake. And like I said before , there's nothing the PCers hate more than the name and claims of Jesus.


When are our churches and preachers in South Africa going to wake up? The world is falling apart around us, but not a peep from our pulpits. Please remember that as shepherds of God’s flock, accountability is part of the responsibility.

The choice is simple; Either prepare God’s people and be unpopular; or be politically correct and be loved.
My choice is made. YOU?

City Council of San Antonio

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