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There's something more to the headlines regarding the Middle East. Something more sinister than the ordinary  people know. An orchestrated event since the election of a man in the United States that was set in motion years ago by powers so Satanic, most people would not believe.


And as we watch the events unfold, if we keep track and meticulously draw the lines together dot by dot...we see a country and it's administration using its powers to advance a world religion that wants dominance throughout the world and to achieve its goals from "within".


I watched the CBS news this evening as they described the chaos and crisis in Egypt...what I heard shocked me and then I remembered...didn't America put Moursi into office? As Scott Pelley gave the evening news regarding Egypt, he states something that I found rather disturbing. He stated that Moursi was DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED and that as the story is told, it sounds like the Muslim Brotherhood and Moursi have been the victims of a horrible terrorist attack by the Military of Egypt who have removed Moursi from office. Moursi supporters are told to protest even if they have to give their lives for doing so..all in the name of democracy.


That Democracy that Scott speaks of is in the form of an aid package to the brotherhood for $1.6BILLION to "democratically" elect Moursi. Moursi, after being elected was calling on Egyptians to march on Jerusalem and take control of the city as their capital.


Analysts have found and have speculated that Moursi was a puppet being used by the Obama Administration to further the advancement of the Arab Spring, and cause chaos in the Middle East that detours Israel away from the advancement of Nuclear Weapons in Iran.


Furthermore, King Abbdulah of Saudi Arabia has now committed an aid package to Egypts military in the billions to take control of the country. This, in what appears to be in complete contrast of what Obama wanted in Egypt with Moursi and the Brotherhood. (Lest we also remind you, that the Muslim Brotherhood is in some of the highest offices in the land with the Obama Administration...)


Why then would the Prince in Saudi Arabia do such a thing? Isn't the Saudi's and America strategic allies in the oil and military world? Doesn't America cater to politically and rely heavily on big Oil for financial support? Debka reports that King Abdullah is warning that there will be consequences for ANY country that messes with General Sissi..the General now in charge of Egypt. Russia is also telling Egypt that they will be at Egypt's disposal for help.


The EU is meeting for a stance with what they will do with Egypt also. And the Media states that America helped elect Moursi by Americans donations and financial support, and is asking for Sissi to back down and step down, put Moursi back into Office, and stop the violence against the Egyptian people supporting Moursi...


If you go back to the Libya attack with Gaddafi, you will find the source of the contention. Obama took out Gaddafi...and this upset the King of Saudi to the point that someone had to be sacrificed..blood was going to be shed, and it had to be an American...go figure that one and you will see the dots get much closer..


This chaos and violence in Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Libya, and other nations and Kingdoms is politically charged, and reaching a boiling point. Crude reached $111 a barrel today..up sharply from the $90 a barrel it was just 5 weeks ago.


Biblical speaking, and as we watch this unfold, Isaiah Chapter 19 is also now being fulfilled. All of this is part of a master plan that seems to be in order by Satanic Powers to bring as many nations down as possible economically to turn against Israel...because Israel is now WEALTHY with TRILLIONS of cubic feet of natural Gas, and soon with Oil as new technology will allow them to be RICH..a transfer of wealth in the latter days as the bible warns us about.


With Psalm 83 war looming and after such, Israel will posses untold gas and oil.


Nations will conspire together that want that wealth, and will march on Israel to take the "spoil and the booty.."

The war of Gog and Magog. (See articles onn this under the heading "Israel).


The average person truly has no clue with what is happening. The Bible has foretold of these events for thousands of years, and most are blind to its prophecies.


BUT who are not in the dark but in the light of the Word, know and see and understand and FEEL the time and the season. The relationship we have with Christ and our Father in heaven is now more than ever crucial and of the utmost importance. Those that Fear God, will understand the importance of making sure our sins are repented of, our lives are found righteous in the eyes of God, and that our walk with Christ is one of truth and upright. More about this to come as we watch the prophecy of Isaiah continue to in prayer and watch..pray for the nation of Israel..and pray for America.

Prophecy is unfolding right before our eyes

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