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Unreasonable reasoning. Illogical logic, logic that defies reason, reason that defies logic; take your pick. (Even though I can't pick just one.)


They all describe the situation currently and continuously faced by Israel as it relates to "peace" talks and they all could be the definition for the term "insane."


For Israel to surrender the West Bank and other sovereign territory "back" to their enemies is insane. I say "back" in quotes because it has always been Israel's possession in the first place─since it was ordained by God, but what does that matter?? It would be insane for Israel to hand over any more territory than it already has.


The "international community" otherwise known as: the world, just can't stop stomping its feet in the middle Israel's business.


The fact that Jerusalem is split by the 1949 Armistice line called "The Green Line," in and of itself proves that the world has chosen to make Jerusalem a burdensome stone, 

A Battle Cry for Israel

just as the prophet Zechariah foretold.


"And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it" (Zechariah 12:3).


The world cannot understand Israel because it cannot understand God.


"But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned" (1 Corinthians 2:14).


The world does not understand that the dispersion was part of God's past judgment upon Israel. They cannot understand that Israel never voluntarily gave up its right to the land, and they don't want to understand. In fact, they couldn't care less.


The world court has ruled that Israel has violated international law by establishing new settlements in the land it recovered in the 1967 war. They brand it as "genocide," "crimes against humanity," "ethnic cleansing," "a humanitarian crisis," "war crimes," etc. We've heard it all before ad nauseum. The world community deliberately ignores certain obvious facts that render its judgment illogical.


Facts like... centuries ago the land was sovereignly controlled by Israel for centuries. Also, the non-Jewish people who currently "occupy" the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza have NEVER held legitimate sovereignty over it in the first place. The only work Israel's enemy has ever done toward attaining any sovereign control of their own is by intimidating through the cowardly actions of terrorism.


On Thursday, November the 29th, 2012, the UN voted to "upgrade" the Palestinian Authority's member status from "entity" to "non-member state". The UN de facto recognition of a sovereign Palestinian state is the closest Israel's enemy has ever come to having any semblance of sovereign control. And that just happened in 2012, thousands of years after Saul was anointed by the Lord and crowned Israel's first king by Samuel in 1050 B.C. Appalling.


"Now Samuel said to all Israel: 'Indeed I have heeded your voice in all that you said to me, and have made a king over you. Now therefore, here is the king whom you have chosen and whom you have desired. And take note, the Lord has set a king over you'" (1 Samuel 12:1, 13).


Did Israel not have a "right" to live on the same land before they were dispersed in generations past? Did they not have a right to exist before they were expelled by the Babylonians, the Romans, and finally defeated by Hadrian's army in 135? There are earthly wars and there are spiritual wars. It is because of the spiritual war that I stand with Israel in its earthly war.


As a firm believer in God's Word I have to admit a sense of adventure exists for me in Israel's military might and continuous state of alert. It's easy for me to want to join forces with the side that I know will have the ultimate victory. The fact that God's sovereign hand of miraculous protection will wipe out Israel's enemies gives me great confidence. However, His Word also reminds me that His future judgment of Israel is still to come during the Day of the Lord.


And here is a very serious reminder to Desmond Tutu and friends. Although the Lord disciplines His people, He destroys their enemies!


Unfortunately, future battles lie in Israel's path for peace, so will you join me in this battle cry for Israel?


I stand with Israel because I stand with God! I love Israel because I love God and I believe in His prophecies!


Israel will have the ultimate victory!

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