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Iran's supreme leader promises Jewish land to Palestinians


Iran's supreme leader promises in a newly released audiotape the destruction of Israel and Palestinians' return to that land.


Fars News Agency, an outlet run by the Revolutionary Guards, last week posted an audiotape of excerpts of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's speeches to Palestinian officials and others with a title "Palestine will surely become free."


In the audiotape, which is partly in Arabic, Khamenei gives blessings to those who fight against Israel and says, "Peace be upon the children of our nation, peace be upon the brave jihadists in Palestinian and Lebanese resistance. Today the Islamic world and the whole world are witnesses to great revelations that show change in international affairs."


The ayatollah promises a restructuring of the Middle East: "Palestine will be free, have no doubt in this. ... Palestinians will return there and there will be a Palestinian government ... and that is based on the truth revealed by God. A new Middle East will be ... an Islamic Middle East."


Khamenei attacks Israel for defending itself: "They attacked Lebanon - a mistake. They attacked Gaza - a mistake. They attacked those (Turkish) ships - a mistake. These mistakes, one after another, show that the murderous Zionist regime of Israel is reaching the final fall and destruction of its own non-existence."


In promising the annihilation of Israel, the supreme leader also says, "There is no doubt that victory awaits the Palestinian people in the future, and the myth of Zionist power over this region will completely vanish, Allah willing."


On Friday Khamenei called the current peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority "futile" and said, "The U.S.-brokered talks ... are aimed at undermining the Palestinians' resistance."


He assailed the U.S. for reviving the peace talks between the two.


Khamenei's audiotape comes on the back of a statement by Hassan Nassrallah, the secretary-general of the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah.


"Some think that the fall and destruction of Israel is only good for Palestinians," Nassrallah said recently. "However, [such an event] will be good for all the countries of the region, and one cannot separate this threat [Israel] from Jordon, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. For this reason, the annihilation of Israel is in the national interest of Jordon, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon."


Nassrallah, quoted by Amar news, an Iranian media outlet, recalled a statement by the founder of the Islamic Republic: "Imam [Ruhollah] Khomeini provided a clear and precise definition for Israel when he called this regime [Israel] a cancerous tumor. ... And the only way to cure it is not to give it time, not give in to it and eradicate its roots."


The clerics ruling Iran believe that Khamenei is the one named in a centuries-old hadith who will prepare for the coming of the Islamic last messiah, the Shiites' 12th Imam, Mahdi. According to the hadith, Israel is to be destroyed before Mahdi's re-appearance.


Mojtaba Zolnoor, an adviser to Ayatollah Khamenei in the Revolutionary Guards, has stated publicly that a number of the Ulama (Islamic scholars) and authoritative grand ayatollahs have announced that Khamenei is quite possibly the fabled "Seyed Khorasani." According to the Islamic hadith, Khorasani is an individual from the region who is not only a companion of the Mahdi, but also is responsible for setting the stage for Mahdi's re-emergence.


Also, according to close associates of Khamenei, the supreme leader has acknowledged his role in history by telling a confidant (Mohammad Reyshahri) that Khomeini told him personally, "Dear Seyed Ali, it will be during the time of your leadership that the last Shiite Imam, Imam Mahdi, will re-appear."


A video revealed in 2011, "The Coming Is Upon Us," showed regime intentions: change in the Middle East, destruction of Israel and the coming of Mahdi. The video, produced by the regime, was to be distributed in the Middle East.


The Islamic regime, despite its public position on the destruction of Israel and despite several U.N. resolutions and sanctions by the U.S. and Europe, has expanded its illicit nuclear and ballistic missile programs. Reports indicate that the regime will not only achieve capability on intercontinental ballistic missile delivery - bringing the U.S. within its reach - by next year, but also the ability to arm those missiles with nuclear warheads.


The West, while concerned about the regime's nuclear program, still hopes to reach a peaceful settlement and has offered further talks over the issue with Iran's new president, Hassan Rowhani, who took office on Aug. 4.

In an Aug. 5 exclusive report, WND revealed a videotape of Rowhani in which he boasted of buying time during earlier negotiations with the West for the regime to build its nuclear program.


Well, well. There you have it. Just last week Imam [Ruhollah] Khomeini denied that he has said the following, but was confirmed by Nassrallah, quoted by Amar news, an Iranian media outlet.



Nassrallah recalled a statement by the founder of the Islamic Republic: "Imam [Ruhollah] Khomeini provided a clear and precise definition for Israel when he called this regime [Israel] a cancerous tumor. ... And the only way to cure it is not to give it time, not give in to it and eradicate its roots."



The only problem is that you are not fighting against Israel; but against the God of Israel. This is a big difference.


You touch Israel, you touch God.



Please take note President Obama, John Kerry and Desmond Tutu. 



Destruction of Israel guaranteed, ayatollah says

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