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There are four major wars that are still to happen on planet Earth. I am not saying that there will only be four wars, but major wars that will change the world as we know it today.


Yes I know that not every person will agree and that the usual hatred, scoffing and ridicule will be poured out in bucket loads, but with this article I am placing the information in the public domain so that maybe it would be of help to some to understand what is happening in this totally crazy world.


So much has happened these last 5 years. It is if the world is busy with a game of Chess and getting ready to declare “Checkmate”.


Israel is in the middle of the first 3 wars. Why? Because Zechariah 12:3 states “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it”.


Throughout the ages many has tried to extinguish the Jewish nation and failed. Today, Kerry is trying to divide Jerusalem. The world hates Israel and has done so since the time of Abraham; and the reason? Israel is the apple of God’s eye and through which the Redeemer of the world has been born. God states that through Israel the world will be blessed. Before my critics get on their high horses, this blessing is still in the future.


Israel is surrounded by 2 layers of Islamic nations; an inner and outer group. It is not in the scope of this article to go into the issue of who they are. I have done articles on each of the two layers. It was done in Afrikaans. I am placing the link here should the reader be interested to follow up. This is for the first war.!about1/c6qg


Now let me start with the wars.


First war; Psalm 83


This is the war of the inner group of nations. This is the war that is taking shape today. Nations are getting ready and positioning themselves to attack and annihilate Israel. This obsession has been going on since 1948, so what has changed now you may ask?


One name: Obama.


Since he has taken office, he has aligned himself with al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. Through his Foreign Policy, the Middle East has become extremely dangerous and volatile. He has alienated his strongholds namely Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia and is busy strengthening ties with Iran.


So how is this war to start? There are a few possibilities, but the one I find the most likely with the information at hand is as follow. Obama is playing the game with Iran on their nuclear issue. According to America, they are 1 year away from the bomb, while Israel states that they already have enough uranium to build more than one.


After the fiasco in Syria, Israel has realised that Obama has no plan to step in on Iran.  


The nuclear reactor at Arak is very close to going active. Once this happens, the window to do anything has closed as to bomb it then will have a radiation spill that is to horrible to contemplate. So, Iran is playing for time and they found ready partners in Obama and Kerry. I think that Obama has overplayed his hand; knowingly or unknowingly. I personally think; knowingly.


That is the background in a nutshell.


Israel will be forced to do a pre-emptive strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities as well as Arak. I do not know if this will be fully or partially successful. This attack would at least put Iran’s nuclear ambitions back for a while.


There are over 200 000 missiles aimed at northern Israel at present and these are under control of Iran’s proxies. These missiles will be launched and most Israelis in northern Israel will perish. Obama will have a lot to answer to one day.


At the same time, Syria will attack Israel with the chemical weapons now hidden by Assad. It is really a joke to think that Assad will surrender every ounce of his chemical stockpile. Only Obama and Kerry believe this.


It is at this stage, when Israel is on the brink of extinction that they will utilize Operation Samson and Damascus will be wiped from the face of the world, never to rise again. The Bible states that there will be terror in Israel at night but when the sun rises, it will be done and they will be safe.


From here the inner circle will attack Israel and like all previous wars, Israel will be outnumbered and given no chance of survival. But survive they will and not only survive, but will go from defensive to offensive and conquer most of the land promised to them by God.


Will the rapture have taken place at this stage? Again to my critics that wants to claim that Christians always predict dates for the rapture just to be proven wrong and being the laughing stock of the world. The Bible is very clear on this issue; no one known when this will happen, but certain conditions must first prevail. Those conditions do not prevail right now, but we are approaching them very fast.


Second war: War of Gog and Magog.


Israel now controls most of the oil and gas as they have conquered most countries that are oil producers. At this stage America will not be a force anymore, but Russia is the dominant power.


What the time span is between War One and this one I do not know; maybe a year or a few years. I have not been able to find any reference to this time period. I am still searching though.


Israel is now for the first time living in peace, and are extremely rich from all the oil and gas as well as plunder of Psalm 83 spoils.


Russia teams up with Iran and the outer layer of nations and attacks Israel. Remember the inner circle is gone. The IDF is no match for this force and at last Russia feel assured of victory. The Bible states that Russia attacks Israel for her wealth.


But again, as in the past, these nations make one very serious mistake! God.


Again, for a more in-depth article, please follow the following link. Article is in Afrikaans.!esegiel/cejc


Now enters the leader of the EU.(Antichrist)  


It is during this time that we are told that the church will be removed (Rapture).


Third war: Armageddon


After the second war, a peace treaty of 7 years is signed between the EU and Israel. I am sure that part of this treaty will be, now most of the nations surrounding Israel are no more, that the Temple may be rebuilt. The Temple has to be rebuilt for at least one blood (Red Heifer) offering to take place for the Jew. At 42 months of the treaty, God no longer needs the Temple and allows the Anti-christ to enter and defile it. There the Anti-christ will see himself as god.


At this time he will start to persecute people who have become Christians during this time as well as Jews that do not want to worship him. All the dictators to date and that include Hitler; will seem like nice boys against this man.


After another 42 months, God will say, “Enough” and He will descend to earth and defeat all nations in the battle of Armageddon. This will be very one sided; the created against the Creator.


This is even so today; puny men and women raising their fists at God. Well, God says that from heaven He is laughing at them.


I have not done an article on this war because it is so well known.  Even Bruce Willis saves the world from Armageddon.


Fourth War


After the war of Armageddon, a thousand years will elapse, with Christ reigning from Jerusalem. At the end of this period, man will again rebel and the last war will take place. This earth on which we are now living is the second earth. After this war God will again re-create it and the third earth will be forever.


Not much is revealed about this war as it is not really of overly concern to us.




I am of the opinion that America’s time is over. God put America in place as a shield for Israel. Under Obama, this shield has become infested with maggots, so much so that it is disintegrating and leaving Israel defenceless. Obama is humiliating God and Israel at every opportunity he can.


It has become so bad that there is a growing revolt in the American Armed Forces. There are sections that refuses to fight alongside al-Qaeda; this whilst Obama wanted to use the Armed Forces to put Al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood in control in Syria as he did in Egypt. 2 Generals on the Nuclear section have been relieved from duty; one for alleged alcohol abuse. Maybe it is so, just coincidence that two within such a short span and both from the nuclear command?


America is nowhere in Bible prophecies. The only possible reference that I can speculate on is Tarsus being destroyed. This is only my speculation and I do not state this as fact.


South Africa


I believe that God had a plan when He sent refugees to the then southern Africa. Those people carried with them the light of the Gospel. In our own history, everything was tried to thwart it. God protected South Africa through all this and the Gospel was reaching Africa.


At some stage however, we as a rainbow nation had a choice to continue serving Him and follow the Great Commission or to turn our back on Him. As a nation, we have decided to turn our back on Him. So now He has turned His back on us. It has become so bad that demands are being made on the forums not to mention the name of God and that Christians do not post.


South Africa has joined the world in the hatred of Israel. Our clergy and leaders are openly anti-Israel. I have warned in the past and warning again. If you curse Israel, God will curse you; a nation that curses Israel, God will curse that nation.


To our leaders I plead, support Israel. She is God’s people. God will and He is going to come to her aid. He has covenants with Adam, Abraham, David and us. He will not break them.


Lastly, although God turns His back on a nation, He will never forsake His children. You as His child are most precious to Him. It is not long now and then we will be with Him.


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